Tel. celular 9514345565 Tel. celular 9514345565

Casa 9516727664 Casa 9516727664

Mejor momento para encontrarme

I am devoted to you and will make myself available to you at your available schedule. I am now retired, but not done giving to women. We are strong yet sometimes we forget to take care of our needs to remain beautiful and awesome as we enter into the aging process. Some of us forget to start young while we are still making collagen which stops approx. age 29 years. Excellent skin care products keep our youthful skin smooth and like satin. MARY KAY is what women need. Join me, it's fun!

Idiomas que hablo


Opciones en los medios sociales

Cómo llevo la belleza a ti

As a Mary Kay Independent Consultant, It is my promise to offer personalized service that fits you. All I ask, let me know what you would like. Might you like a one-on-one consultation, a party with friends, a virtual party, makeup tips, skin care advice or free samples. You can try before you buy! If you prefer to shop online only or order by E-mail or phone, the choice is yours. I would love to help you with any or all of you beauty needs. I specialize in Mary Kay skin care. Let's Talk!

Mi producto de mayores ventas favorito

TimeWise Repair® Set

Verdaderamente creo que el servicio a las clientes es uno de los principales factores que nos distingue de toda las demás empresas. Mary Kay Ash

Mis especialidades

  • Tono ideal de base
  • Soluciones para el cuidado de la piel
  • Cuidado de la piel para combatir el envejecimiento
  • Aplicación de maquillaje
  • Faciales
  • Consultas de maquillaje

Opciones de entrega

  • Puedo entregártelo en tu casa.
  • Puedo enviarte tu pedido.
  • Puedes recoger tu pedido.
  • Puedo entregártelo en tu trabajo.