Mobile 9049946061 Mobile 9049946061

The Best Times to Reach Me

Now that I've retired from my Corporate America job, I am available most of the time! The best way to reach me is to text me, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Languages I Speak


How I bring beauty to you

After using Mary Kay products for about 10 years, I decided to become a Mary Kay Consultant and be able to introduce my friends to their products. I've now tried other products that I love just as much as my tried and true, and I love Mary Kay even more - the products are reasonably priced, last a long time, and work better than others I've tried. What more can you ask for?

My Favorite Best-Selling Product

Ours is a business where selling results from a truly personal one-on-one relationship – a friendship. Mary Kay Ash

My Specialties

  • Skin Care Solutions
  • Gift Giving
  • Age Fighting Skin Care
  • Facials

Delivery Options

  • Home Delivery
  • Mail
  • Pick Up
  • Work Delivery